Monday, June 25, 2012

Bridesmaid's Gifts

He’s popped the question, now it’s your turn! How are you going to ask and honor those ladies who are closest to you, you ask? Well look no further! Deciding whom you want in your bridal party is a very daunting task. How many is too many? Will Great Aunt Susie’s daughter have her feelings hurt if she is not asked to stand up there beside you?

Before you let all the what if’s take over, step back and remember one thing. It’s YOUR day. Not your sisters, not your mom’s, not your aunt’s, cousin’s, grandma’s, best friend’s, etc. You, and only you can decide upon those most important ladies. There is no such thing, as too many bridesmaids so it’s perfectly fine if you only want 1 and its perfectly acceptable if you want 10. Whatever will make you happy on your big day!

Another important part about choosing your bridal party will come towards the end of all the hectic planning, when it comes time to purchase bridal party gifts. Traditionally, the bride and groom will buy little gifts, or tokens of their appreciation for those who have stood by them during the whole planning process and who have accepted their offer to stand up there beside them on the most important day of their lives. What kinds of gifts should I get you ask? Well again, look no further!

There are plenty of options and ways to show your appreciation to those you have decided matter most. Anything from simple jewelry, to a weekend getaway has been done. Therefore the sky is the limit! Just remember to keep it within the budget J

After spending some time on Pinterest, I have found some cute ideas that could potentially be of interest. After being a bridesmaid myself, I know that these little tokens of appreciation really do go a long way, and are a fantastic way for the bride to once again thank the girls for everything they have done in the months leading up to the wedding and to let them know how much help they have truly been.

So remember! It does not matter how many you decide you want in your bridal party, its whatever makes you feel comfortable. And when it comes to deciding what gifts to buy those special individuals the sky is the limit (as long as its within the budget!) So take a look at some of the ideas I found and get those creative juices flowing!

xox Lauren

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