Thursday, June 27, 2013

Don’t be Caught Red Handed! (Or in a White Dress) :Wedding Faux Pas

Don’t be Caught Red Handed! (Or in a White Dress)

Wedding Faux Pas

Everyone that has attended a wedding or heard a wedding horror story has encountered them. The guest that got way to drunk off of open bar, the girl who showed up in the low cut top and had everyone whispering about her scandalous outfit, and the couple who waltzed in empty handed without a gift or even a card. The embarrassment surrounding these individuals is real and everyone wants to avoid being the subject of these unfortunate situations. Luckily as either a guest or the lucky couple yourself, you can avoid these scenarios by following a set of rules and proper etiquette for both wedding attendance and your own wedding.

As a Guest: 


The first “faux pas” you can commit as a guest comes with the invitation and the RSVP card. One inappropriate behavior is to not rsvp at all which causes the hosts to wonder whether or not you will be showing up and throws off their guest count. Also pay attention as to whether or not you are allowed to bring a plus one or not. Bringing an uninvited plus one is a major faux pas and will not be looked upon with smiling faces.

Open Bar

This is a big one. Due to the fact that open bars are very costly- your over consumption will not only end in bad decisions, but it will be offensive to whomever is paying your seemingly imaginary tab. Just be wary not to take advantage of the free drinks and become “that guy” or “that girl” who is drunkenly dancing and bumping into everyone. 


Interfering with the Program

There is always one guest who thinks they are a professional photographer or the next Jennifer Lopez and has to hop up on stage with the wedding band or start snapping pics to the right of the very well paid photographer. Don’t be this guest! The bride and groom have chosen a professional to take their pictures and are paying them because they want the best quality photographs and oftentimes you will just be getting in their way. Maybe if you are a photographer you could ask to take a few photos on the side, but your real job tonight is to have fun and be a guest. Same goes to all of the American Idols out there. Unless the band opens up a karaoke session, let’s not ruin their sets and covers by belting out the 90s and trying to upstage the wedding band.

Wearing White

The ultimate wedding faux pas- wearing white to a wedding. Do not do this ever! Even if you think you are modern and can pull it off because times are changing and it is a June wedding on the beach, chances are there will be older and more traditional women there who will think you are committing a disrespectful and horrendous social disgrace. Just don’t. There are plenty of other colors to choose from for this one day.

As a Bride: 

Thank You!

After months of planning a wedding, dieting to fit into a dress, stressing about all of the small details, and then finally getting through the big day, the last thing a bride wants to do is write hundreds of thank you notes. This is absolutely necessary though! Everyone who travelled, asked off of work, and spent their hard-earned money on gifts for you and your groom deserves to be thanked for their efforts and gifts. Especially if your guests adhered to the proper etiquette and rules of weddings, be sure to stay classy and thank them for their efforts!


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